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Queer SA Chat

Queer South Africa – Beyond borders: The Queer Collaboration! A safe and inclusive social chat room for the South African LGBTQI community. LGBTQI = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Intersex.

Click on the button above to open the chat window. Need help chatting? Watch this video.

Tap the button above to chat.

Watch this video!

GaySA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters
GaySA - Dating, Relationships or Casual Encounters

Room Website

Click here to visit this chat room’s official website or social media page.


Chat Room Rules

Please note: This is a social room and not a place for cruising or chatting up other people. Do NOT private people for their stats/asrl etc – you WILL be banned. If you want to hook up, go to #flirt or #gaysa.

Report Abuse

Click here to report abuse or suspicious behaviour, or visit the chat room’s website for more information.

Did You Know?

You can change your nickname by typing /nick yournewnickname (replace yournewnickname with an actual nick by the way)

Words of Wisdom:

Worry is a misuse of the imagination. -Dan Zadra