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The Scrabble Game

Test your English vocabulary and word skills with this new exciting #scrabble game!

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Chat Room Rules

How the game works:
The game bot (ScrabbleBot) generates random letters each round. Players score points, based on the words formed from these letters. Each letter can only be used once. Once a word has been used, it may not be used again by another player in the same round. Multiple single words per line are allowed, and are added to the score after each round. The more words provided, the higher the score per round. If the game is not running, type !start to begin a new round.

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Did You Know?

It is seen as bad chat etiquette to write your message or nickname in ALL caps unless you're trying to shout.

Words of Wisdom:

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly. -St. Francis de Sales